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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Lead-Free NJ Members Deliver Senate Budget Testimony
TRENTON, April 26, 2022 — Lead-Free NJ members Yvette Jordan, NEW Caucus; Ruth Ann Norton, Green & Healthy Homes Initiative; and Chris Sturm, New Jersey Future delivered the following senate budget testimony on Thursday, April 21:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Lead-Free NJ and East Trenton Collaborative to Commemorate Ongoing Partnership, Share Resources with Community Members
TRENTON, April 8, 2022 — Lead-Free NJ (LFNJ) and the East Trenton Collaborative (ETC) will convene local community members on Saturday to commemorate the ongoing partnership between both organizations and share critical lead remediation resources.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: More Than 130 Signatures Urge Investment of $600 Million in Lead Remediation
Trenton, March 2, 2022 — The Lead-Free NJ collaborative delivered a letter to Governor Murphy, Senate President Scutari, and Assembly Speaker Coughlin on Wednesday calling for the allocation of $600 million in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds toward lead remediation.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Lead-Free NJ Statement on Completion of Newark’s Lead Service Line Replacement Program
Trenton, Feb. 11, 2022 — The co-chairs of Lead-Free NJ released the following statement on the completion of Newark’s lead service line replacement program:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Lead-Free NJ Statement on Passage of the Federal Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bill
TRENTON, Nov. 12, 2021 — The co-chairs of Lead-Free NJ released the following statement on passage of the federal infrastructure package, which will provide New Jersey with funding to replace lead water pipes:

Lead-Free New Jersey Statement on Enactment of Bills to Address Lead Exposure
Lead-Free NJ Co-Chairs Rashan Prailow and Debbie Mans released a statement on Governor Murphy’s enactment of three laws to put New Jersey at the national forefront of childhood lead poisoning prevention.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: New Collaborative Strives to Make NJ Lead-Free
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Collaborative Strives to Make NJ Lead-FreeCONTACT Jael Davis | Lead-Free New Jersey program Inclusive collaborative adopts unique approach to organizing in effort to eliminate lead contamination in NJ homes,...