Lead-Free NJ at Sustainable South Jersey Meeting
Parking at 272 N Clinton Ave. Dr. Brian Buckley at the Rutgers Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences institute (170 Frelinghuysen Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854) is conducting research titled: “Finding new methods to reduce lead in Trenton blood.” The purpose of this study is to identify current blood lead levels for residents of Trenton. You are eligible […]
Contact cbolinger@njfuture.org for the meeting invitation.
Join EPA Region 2 for a Webinar to Celebrate Lead Poisoning Prevention Week QUESTIONS? CONTACT: Towana Joseph: joseph.towana@epa.gov Kathleen Bell: bell.kathleen@epa.gov Meeting link: https://bit.ly/48YVCJt Speakers: Heather Sorge (Lead-Free NJ) Khari Muhammad (Green & Healthy Homes Initiative) Shereyl Snider (The East Trenton Collaborative) Amy Ferry (Partnership for Maternal and Child Health of Northern NJ)
Aprenda sobre el plomo, sus efectos, y la prevención de la exposición al plomo y el envenenamiento por plomo. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/us-epa-informacion-sobre-el-plomo-tickets-714703335917?aff=oddtdtcreator
Contact cbolinger@njfuture.org for the meeting invitation.